New model links Page
Please take your time to browse through our friendly New Models Links info Page,
(Please be aware there are some topless & nude model sites on this page)
click on the link below to return to the main page,
(Please copy and paste any of the Banners to your links page,)
Promotional and casting page for new models,
Glamshooter Models have many looks and styles
(Please take a copy of our free poster pictures in my home studio and Spain shoot)
Two model Spain Shoot
[Portugal shoot]
World famous on the Muse and in the Silk Rose Gallery NEWYORK,
Mercedy Model / Actress / Singer,
(Click on her portrait belowe to see her bigger picture and save a free picture,)
for further information,
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my free commercial glamour model promotional website,
If you are interested and would like to model with glamshooter,
I will make arrangements for a free test shoot,
My best regards to you all, Allan